Ocean's Eight (2018)

cover Ocean's Eight

link to Ocean's Eight on IMDb

Paese: USA, 110 minuti

Regista: Gary Ross

Genere(i): Azione, Commedia, Crimine, Thriller


In prestito: No

Voto IMDb:
star star star star star star star star star star
6.2/10 (149632 voti)

Risoluzione: 720×576 (PAL DVD)
Rapporto: Unknown
Codec: T

Lingua: Inglese, Tedesco, Francese, Cinese semplificato, Hindi

Dimensione: 12.3 GB
Supporto: Media File
Percorso: [HDAle]G:\Film\Ocean's.8\Ocean's 8.mkv
Fonte: Sconosciuto

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Trama: Danny Ocean's estranged sister Debbie attempts to pull off the heist of the century at New York City's star-studded annual Met Gala. Her first stop is to assemble the perfect all-female crew: Lou, Rose, Daphne Kluger, Nine Ball, Tammy, Amita, and Constance.
