Aladdin (2019)

cover Aladdin

link to Aladdin on IMDb

Paese: USA, 128 minuti

Regista: Guy Ritchie

Genere(i): Commedia, Avventura, Fantasy, Famiglia, Romantico, Musical


In prestito: No

Voto IMDb:
star star star star star star star star star star
7.4/10 (88836 voti)

Risoluzione: 720×576 (PAL DVD)
Rapporto: 2.55:1
Codec: M

Lingua: Inglese

Dimensione: 1.5 GB
Supporto: Media File
Percorso: [HDAle]G:\Film\Aladdin.2019.iTALiAN.LD.HDTS.XviD-iSTANCE.avi
Fonte: Sconosciuto

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Trama: A kind-hearted street urchin Aladdin vies for the love of the beautiful princess Jasmine, the princess of Agrabah. When he finds a magic lamp, he uses a genie's magic power to make himself a prince in order to marry her. He is also on a mission to stop the powerful Jafar who plots to steal the magic lamp that could make his deepest wishes come true.
