The Place (2017)

cover The Place

link to The Place on IMDb

Paese: Italy, 105 minuti

Regista: Paolo Genovese

Genere(i): Thriller, Drammatico, Mistero


In prestito: No

Voto IMDb:
star star star star star star star star star star
7.1/10 (6702 voti)

Risoluzione: 720×576 (PAL DVD)
Rapporto: 2.35:1
Codec: T

Lingua: Italiano

Dimensione: 1.19 GB
Supporto: Media File
Percorso: [HDAle]G:\Film\The Place\The Place (2017).h264.ita.sub.ita.eng-MIRCrew.mkv
Fonte: Sconosciuto

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Trama: The fates of an apparently random group of strangers who each come into contact with a mysterious figure who they believe possesses the power to grant any wish, in return for which they must carry out a task he assigns them.
